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Come by restaurant Kolm Sibulat. It is an unusual name, a very off-the-beaten-track location, but inside it feels like your usual homely place. Just like the big-brother restaurant Moon is and has been.


Kolm Sibulat (Three onions)

The idea to establish a second restaurant came from Kolm Sibulat’s two head chefs. They are true artists at heart. The owners’ first restaurant Moon has a very distinctive style of cooking. Therefore, it has too strict guidelines for the two creative souls in the kitchen.

Many of the fascinating in-style raw ingredients and new ideas are not suitable for use in Russian cooking. Even a very patient and detailed artist gets bored while painting the sea every single day. So, the two chefs came up with the Kolm Sibulat concept.


Baby brother to restaurant Moon

The owners consider Kolm Sibulat to be the baby brother of restaurant Moon. When starting this restaurant, they already had four years of experience as restaurateurs. Although it is always easier to raise a second child, the team still loves challenging themselves and make life more interesting.



The cooking style of Kolm Sibulat falls somewhere between fast food and slow food. Both Igor and Roman have a serious background in fine dining. For them, this is a new fascinating field of cooking. Here the chefs are completely free to experiment and interpret ethnic traditions however they want.

The menu incorporates Middle Eastern couscous and Mediterranean hummus. You can sample Georgian bread accompanied by kimchi, which is a staple of Korean cooking. It is difficult to determine their cooking style. Sometimes they laugh at themselves and call their cuisine fusion-confusion.

KOLM SIBULAT means three onions in Estonian and ironically refers to the three owners, all with Russian roots. They are open to all ideas and invite you to be pleasantly surprised by their unique menu.


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